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Old 11-21-2011, 01:58 PM
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Joined APC: Mar 2008
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Originally Posted by Ski Patrol View Post
Sky has really gotten to you.....I'm sorry. Seriously though let it go already....on second thought never mind if it weren't for you two this thread would have died a long time ago.
Or have I gotten to him?
Like Sky says this is his entertainment, calling him out for his preposterous commentary is mine.

You must be one of those enchanted ones or one of the "converts". If you are a believer in what he thinks of pilots though, I invite you to openly admit on this forum that you are all the things that he has called pilots (just in that one post). Do that and I'll give you a nice 'THMUBS UP' symbol as a reward. HMP has yet to take that opportunity to agree with Sky, GoPats has yet to admit that Sky was shameful in what he said even though he said that he was [if he really that those things and in that manner]. What say you Ski Patrol


....and no Ski Patrol, I won't let it go.
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