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Old 11-22-2011, 11:10 AM
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Originally Posted by PiedmontCLT View Post
I said not go the extra mile for the "young and weak". Not for aviators. Words are being put in my mouth. We have seen a great number of them this past hiring spree thus why we let so many go. I needed to get on this message board to stop it because I suspect many are bashing the training department lately on this forum because they were simply let go. No need to put this department and company down on an internet message board because you couldnt (I'm pretty sure anyone in the training department knows how to proof read for syntax or punctuation errors.) make the cut in AQP.

Now lets talk about the positives....
Listen, I don't know what you are trying to pull other then instigating for the sake of entertainment but you are certainly not who you are attempting to pass yourself off as being. I have either been evaluated, lined checked, taught in class by or flown with every member of the training department including JK. And though I may not agree with some of what they do or the "philosophy" of the program I do feel that as individuals all of them are mature professionals. And none of them would come on a message board and make an ass out of themselves by making statements such as what you have said. HHH overnights? Are you kidding me? The dirtiest, crappiest hotel in the system? It may be good for goin out or hitting the beach for those who are willing to step foot in the filthy petrochemical saturated waters of the Atlantic coast but one of "the positives"! That right there makes you nothing but a troll....If I had to guess, you are probably a new hire who wants to be an instructor or something.