Thread: Worst travel article... ever???

USMCFLYR , 11-27-2011 12:21 PM
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Quote: I agree that airlines have slipped at all levels of customer service. Before I was with a 121 operator I used shake my head at having to phonetically spell my name over the phone to the Indian customer service agent at United Airlines. However, you get what you pay for. If the airlines charged a fare that would encompass the cost of hiring labor and amenities to provide a premium product no one in America would fly. A $500 RT coast to coast ticket was great in 1980 when JetA was $.45/gal, now it's $500 RT w/JetA @ $3.15/gal. Something's got to give, and that means Flo at the counter is doing the work of 3 agents. That = grumpy and a bad experience for the expectant and already agitated customer.
This is the part that I don't agree with. Of course I don't have a MBA either so what do I know I also think that movie theaters would make MORE money if they actually priced their concessions at a reasonable price rather than a single drink at the price of a 6 pack.

Just remember - the consumer doesn't really set the price. If they want to fly, then they will pay. If they want to drive - they will pay $4.00+/gal for gas. Consumers rightfully so will search for the best price for the same end product. One of the few ways to set yourself apart is service.
Many Americans have even made it very clear that service is behind the priorities when it comes to price - thus the proliferation of LCCs. But the consumer does expect the product that they paid for at the end of the day. If the story is to be believed, the consumer in the article did not get that end product.
