Thread: Delta Pilots Association

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DAL 88 Driver , 12-21-2011 06:44 PM
At home on the maddog!
DAL 88 Driver
At home on the maddog!
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Quote: So before you start pulling the scuttle plug on the ship, wouldn't it be worthwhile to at least see how the openings are going. While we might not see the actual openings.. we will have a good idea of how stiff it was by management's reaction. I really don't wanting them to telegraph their intentions at this point in time, it is still 3 months away from that time. As it gets closer, I expect the rhetoric flame to be turned up. Patience grasshopper... We are gonna get into this crap soon enough.
Based on DALPA's track record, the communications they have put out, the arguments their insiders make on these forums, etc., even some of the direct communications I've had with LEC reps... I don't think we have the luxury of waiting to see the opener. To me, they have already made it crystal clear that restoration is not the objective and that they are expecting more traditional (what they would call "reasonable") increases. It is clear that they view our current situation as a new baseline or "new normal" from which to negotiate historically typical improvements.

What is there to wait to see? They've already clearly telegraphed their intentions.