Thread: Delta Pilots Association

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TheManager , 01-05-2012 12:45 PM
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Quote: The first thing is to try to sift out the facts, since so many of your "facts" are not really factual.

First, 87 hours is the average pay hours, not block hours. If you have a week vacation in a month (21 hours) and fly 70 hours (many do) you have 91 pay hours. If you fly a 75 hour month and get a 10 hour green slip you have 95 pay hours. CQ training and many other items reflect pay hours and not block hours.

The 87 is not an opinion, it is a fact. Why doesn't DPA send someone to the ALPA office and review the data themselves? Wouldn't that eliminate this "did too, did not" rhetoric. I know, that would require unparking your butt from behind the keyboard and actually doing something.

Ok. Let's look at the facts.

NuGuy asked this in post 7155:
Is it, or is it not, true that schedules less than 70 hours are deleted when considering what is "average" when computing the number to pay FPL people?

That would go a LONG way in explaining why everyone I know is getting 68 hour lines from PBS, yet the "average" pay for FPL purposes is 87 hours.

If true, the real way to make a dent in the FPL pay is to change the policy manual to take into consideration all lines down to 60 hours, versus 70.


Well, here we have it. Straight from section 10.C.3

3. The MEC treasurer will periodically (but at least annually) determine the average
pay hours for regular line holders (computed average), which shall be approved
by the DAL MEC. This average will be used to determine the computed average
rate for full-time and part-time compensation. At every regularly scheduled MEC
meeting, the MEC treasurer will provide the MEC with the computed average rate
and the methodology used to determine the computed average rate

So, the MEC treasurer determines the "computed average."

What methodology is used by the treasurer to come to the "computed average?" What is the definition of "regular line holder?" Does this exclude those on reserve? In training? Only regular line holders in a short staffed category? Only regular line holders in only the months of June, July and August?

How can the line pilot, or rather DALPA's customers see how this determination and methodology was made by the treasurer? I see that it is made available to the MEC. How about making it available for all pilots to see anytime it is changed.

Point is, the process couldn't be any more opaque or be definition easier to manipulte to get and support any given number.
