Thread: "Latest and Greatest" about jetBlue

lake alice , 01-22-2012 04:36 AM
Gets Weekends Off
lake alice
Gets Weekends Off
  • Joined APC
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I have never said JetBlue was a bad place. I like it here but I still plan on leaving. People need to know the facts. We have to many idiots, that's right I said it, that spew management speak day in and day out while trying to justify our low pay and benefits. We are a very profitable company. We have in the billions in terms of liquidity. But we pay our pilots below average wages. W provide well below average retirement. We provide the worst health insurance for a major. Our LTD will bankrupt a pilot. We are responsible for paying for our own merger protection. These are undeniable facts.

Then you have the clear rights who spew the culture bs as an excuse for our substandard benefits while management continues to reward itself. "Culture" doesnt pay the bills. Jetblue figured out long ago that if you had Bbq's for the employees on a holiday or provided pizza in the crew lounge from time to time people would forgo expecting raises or better benefits. Let me tell you, its worked. This is business boys and girls. You get what you negotiate. Unfortunately at JetBlue we have pilots who refuse to stand up for the ability to negotiate.

As in my other post look at the MIT study, look at the pay proposals JetBlue has put out, look at the flyers p osted during the last ALPA campaign. Take an honest look and see how far we are behind and I'm just asking for industry standard.

It sickens me. Clear right I hope you go out on disability soon so you can see what JetBlue culture is all about. Then call me and well exchange stories.