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Old 02-04-2007, 07:00 PM
L'il J.Seinfeld
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Originally Posted by GasPasser View Post
Don't know if they consider it a heavy or not, not sure that it matters that much. It's got some glass, goes int'l all the time, is a multi-engine, crew a/c. The KC and C pilots are the types they are looking for. I know 3 KC-135 pilots who went to UPS recently. 76 Intl SDF , -8 SO SDF, and MD-11 FO SDF. I don't know anyone who went to AKC, maybe someone else does.

Good luck.

JdAWG--Believe it or not, UPS as a Part 121 airline has to follow the FAA rules. Consequently they do use the FARs and AIM. I am not going to look it up now, but I seem to remember that the FAA definition is 255k and the ICAO was 300k.

Gaspassr--The KC-135R certainly meets those requirements although the E model I think has a max gross below 300k. The KC-135 has more "glass" than the 757/767s and A300 that UPS has. The Blk 40 is a more capable datalink/FMS platform than anything I've seen including the 747-400 and MD-11. Don't sell yourself short. The tanker autopilot and ACM suck but it has a lot of the bells and whistles that UPS is looking for in the backgrounds of applicants. So yes, IMHO, I think that UPS would be looking to stick tanker pukes to ANC, but that does not preclude them from assigning them to the SDF fleets. One of my favorite things about UPS hiring is that they do select from all backgrounds and go to lengths to ensure a diverse background.

Nobody really knows when the 727 will go away. They have displaced some newhires but the transition training for some other folks is continuing. When the 72 does go there will be FEs over the age of 60 who will be furloughed because there are not enough seats. When the 727 is gone I can't see where they could hire someone into the FE seat on the -8 or 747 classic.

Times are good and I am cautiously optimistic that they will continue. There is so much growth in India and China. Thank God that the only way to get products to the US economically is by air. The airline VP just said they expect 200-300 newhires in 2007. Since UPS usually is so conservative that it hurts, I think what he said really means 300-400. I'm a year 2 FO with an MBA. I think I know what I am talking about, but I could be full of it so please take it FWIW.
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