Thread: Cessna 150 with 150hp bew/mgw

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Cubdriver , 02-14-2012 03:38 AM
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Quote: Ok so any one with info on C150/150 max gross weight and average bew? I'm looking at buying one and really want to be able to carry 2 full fuel and light baggage without being over weight.
I am not familiar with the Sparrowhawk or whatever this one is, but you can't carry two adults plus full fuel in a regular 150 or 152 let alone a heavy one. It would have to have wing extensions and an STC for high gross- makes no sense for the cost, just get a 172 and be done with it. And since you mention carrying baggage I assume you mean to go somewhere, but these airplanes are not meant for x-cty. The seats are crap, cabin is small, ground speed is slow, and the range is a few hundred miles.