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Old 02-15-2012, 07:39 PM
Joined APC: Sep 2011
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Posts: 108
Default US Airways Window Closed Today

Just learned that US Airways Closed their window....

Does that truly mean the positions are filled and all applications submitted prior to today are purged and trashed?

If Your Status still says " Under Review" it just because HR doesn't feel compeled to change it to " Position Filled" or are you still being considered for future Staffing Possibilities?

Can the US Airways Crewmembers weigh in on this....I ask because I'm with a bottom feeder on the MD-11 in MIA..with well over 6000 hrs total time, over 1300 hrs Turbine PIC, over 1000 Hrs on the E-190, 737-700 time,727-200 time, Falcon 2000 time, MD-11 time, MD-11 Type Rating...I've applied with Fed Ex..but..I have No Sponsor and do not know anyone at Fed Ex....and I applied with US Airways because I felt that I had a decent chance of at least earning an interview......and possibly..the job...After all, people in class are being given the options of A320 DCA/CLT, 737 DCA/CLT, E-190 PHL....even the post was for E-190 First Officer......I would have been willing to accept ANY of those options...

I even have a very good friend of mine who has been with US Airways for the past 8 years ( we flew 727-200's together back in the late 90's) who personally endorsed my application, and submitted it with the blessing of the CP, to HR.

It didn't happen..I never got called, e-mailed, nothing....The posting is gone and the window is closed.

Congrats to everyone that got hired!

Enjoy training and the Mainline Flying.

Can the Airways Crewmembers shed ANY light on how they decide who get the nod and who doesn't?

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