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Old 02-17-2012, 05:26 AM
No longer cares
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Originally Posted by Doug Masters
I disagree. While there are some hardcore DPA guys I think the majority of us who sent our cards in are awaiting the opener and then will decide from there who to support. I want whats best for me as well as Delta Air Lines and I frankly don't care who delivers it. I do expect substantial improvements however.
OK.. fair enough. Then please enlighten me as to some kind of timeline.

April 1. Openers exchanged. Pilots see these maybe a month later.. but for the sake of discussion, let's say it's instantaneous. Guys like you are ****ed. The donut drive begins in full.. Guys are signing up... Realistically though, you don't think that that drive would be instantaneous.. so let's say it takes a couple of months. (I think that is more than generous because there are many guys out there that don't read these forums.. and really don't care who the representation is other than they want to be fair and, well, representative. So that then puts us into July. Fair enough?

July 1. There is a vote on donuts. They win. Contract negotiations come to a halt. Company ecstatic. Dounts have to get the passdown from the outgoing group. That would probably take several months... I would say that realistically we wouldn't have new representation before the end of the year.

Jan 1, 2013. Amendable date comes and goes. Company ecstatic. Donut shop surveys the group because DALPA guys ran the shredder full time getting rid of surveys and letters to the MEC, etc etc etc... Company ecstatic, we are working for 2012 rates...

Feb 1. Donut surveys come out.. they give us a month to complete and digest information.

March 1 Professional negotiators hired, brought up to speed, and company contacted.

July1. First sit down with company. Donuts tell the company that we want C2K + or no deal. Company says, "ain't happening" Donuts say "see ya on the picket line" Company ecstatic.. They know that whoever is in the WH at the time will never allow that so they continue to show up to the negotiations meeting that the Donuts are now boycotting, and the NMB knows this.

August 1 2014. Still no deal. Company getting pilot wages for 2012 rates. Company decides to sue Donut shop. Since it is an independent union, there is no insurance against any such kind of lawsuit, and membership is assessed individually. (Unlike the TWA lawsuit). Company ecstatic.

Hmmmmm Yup, I see this as a much better deal. There is no divisiveness going on here.. naaaaaah

Or do you see this going down another way?
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