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Old 03-01-2012, 08:50 PM
New Hire
Joined APC: Aug 2010
Posts: 3

Originally Posted by Salukipilot4590 View Post
Full disclosure here: I was hired into a Brazilian jet at 705TT/97ME

My college plan (circa 2003) was to get in, get trained, drink, flight instruct in good ole IL and graduate in 2007. After graduation head back to the Left coast and CFI for a couple years then head over to SKW whenever they started hiring.

Well lookee what happened....the hiring boom of 2006-08... I had the opportunity to go to a crappy regional asap or go home and CFI more (had been CFIing for two years at the time). Impatient me jumped at the chance to ski on the retrospect I should have gone home and enjoyed the In-N-Out and sun.

Two furloughs later and here my black ass LA....CFI-ing (well the first furlough...not the far....) waiting for SKW to tell me I'm good enough.

Moral of the it right the first time kid.

There is no way in heck you would go home again if given a second chance. You wanted to get out of CFI-ing bc it sucks - really bad. You were impatient bc you HAD the chance to try to jump the system, get your 1,000 hours and hopefully get a head start on others. You learned more in the 2 years flying the line than you would have flight instructing and you probably would have made about the same amount of money(after the In-N-out burgers...I miss!) Basically, I'm calling BS on you but I get the point. G/L on the acceptance! I heard the ground school changed for the worse - my buddy was just in the first class after the change.

All in all the ATP rule is a great filter.
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