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Old 03-07-2012, 06:50 PM
Gets Weekends Off
Joined APC: Apr 2006
Position: A220 First Officer
Posts: 569

Don't let your frustration with your current company allow you to make a huge mistake. If you are a captain at a regional you are in a great position to move UP when the doors open. You would be starting over by going to a place like USA Jet. You would be on 45 minute reserve whenever your working, flying back side, front side of the clock sometimes flip flopping real close together which is terrible, flying old junky equipment with lots of delays/cancellations due to maintenance and dispatchers/mgt trying to get you to fly it that way. Many times you are loading it yourself and "doing TSA's job." Plus new ownership just took over that place and started whacking people including the DO, Chief Pilot, and some line guys because they were overstaffed only to have guys jumping off the sinking ship which required them to start hiring off the street three months later. I speak from personal experience. Stay away!
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