Thread: Leave eagle for skywest?

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Terantious , 03-29-2012 10:16 AM
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Quote: Don't leave until you are forced out the door. There is too much change that is going to happen in this industry in the next year. You never know, you may regret it if as part of this bankruptcy what's left of eagle is absorbed into American, or Skywest may buy Eagle. In my opinion it's much better to be patient until things settle down and the path of the future is set. Things are going to change if American starts farming out 88plus seat aircraft to regionals or if united is able tO cap scope at 50 seats.
Some of the Comair guys waited until they were forced out of the door rather than jump ship early on when the hiring was good. By the time they were forced out the door, there were no more doors open as those opportunities were taken by the ones who bailed early. It`s all a gamble, just do what you think is best for you. Making a lateral move after only a year is a lot easier than if you are forced out after 3-4 years and then starting over.