Thread: Silver Airways
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Old 04-19-2012, 01:47 PM
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Originally Posted by Chrisw View Post
you mean 7 months? Ya why not?? I definitely would not be the first silver pilot that is flying 100 hours a month. As for the rest of what you took the time to type? I hope you are enjoying yourself. At no point did i insinuate that I am impervious to the bad that many in this industry see daily. I actually commented to quite the opposite. People LIKE YOU are the ones bringing this industry down. Yes you. Pilots go home and when they walk in the door to see their family, the wife will say something like "How was your trip honey?" and the reply because of people like you goes something like this, "Horrible. I had to fly with that Douchebag captain/FO I told you about that everybody hates. I am so sick of his negativity and everyone else keeps calling in sick when they have trips with him just to avoid him." Ya dude. You are that guy. Congrats. When you got into this profession long ago was it, "I really wanna fly airplanes! I think it would be fun to fly every day!" or was it, "I am a miserable prick. might as well go fly for an airline and see how many other people I can make as miserable as me." Thanks for showing me exactly what I don't want to be. Feel free to prove my point by saying something else childish and petty so everyone here can see you attempt to compensate for being "that guy"

STDDA goes to MunkyButtr!
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