Thread: XJT Hiring Pool
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Old 04-29-2012, 08:51 AM
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Originally Posted by Red97Vette View Post

first, you want to keep up with cost of inflation? So thats about a 5% pay raise every year. Have fun with that, I would love to have a pay raise like every year but that is in no way sustainable. You apparently showed up to the party 10 years late with no clue what is going on. This is a gripe everyone in the whole US economy has had to deal with for a while now and no one likes it.

second, didnt Continental pull a lot of flying for you guys? oh and your failed solution to create your own airline to recover the losses...that went well, didnt it? Then continental came and "begged" to have you come back, ...but at significantly lower rates, ones that you were loosing money on the whole time? Thats an AWESOME deal man. no way you guys could have been headed for BK with a contract that was signed at a loss. oh and that whole 100% 50 seat airline concept...thats got a future in it that cant fail either.
ASA/Skywest isnt brainwashing any of us. If you have a brain you can realize the state of the industry and what is needed to succeed. You can think we are conceding all you want and hide behind your screen names and bash us.. but you are the ones that were in a bad spot, great contract or not, you got bought. No one at ASA was expecting us to buy you (100% total shock) and frankly, most of us all ****ed off that we bought a dying airline and are praying we dont go down with the rest of you guys.

Third, incase you havent noticed we have one of the better contracts in the industry as well. If you can have that and growth, it makes for a better QOL. Upgrades, more lines, etc. You seem so dead set of not taking anything less that what you had, yet your so blind that your willing to go and sink yourself in the long run for a great short term contract.

Fourth, Skedplus and rainmaker are crap? ***? Have you even looked at this system or are you just listening to the usual winers at xjt that always ***** and moan? When we have humans always issuing pay and schedule changes it was a mess, errors left and right. Rainmaker lets you in real time see how your pay is effected and always lets you query them if you see an error. This has happened once to me the whole time we have had it. Before, queries were flying left and right and it would take a month to fix it because human man power was limited. Our PBS system is great, way better than line bidding, and is one of the best PBS systems in the country! But thats not as good as your tripple dipping schemes and amazing system you guys have. I have 24 days off in may with a 3 day and a 4 days trip and only used one week vacation. Not bad and im pleased with it. You should maybe TALK to actual ASA pilots before badmouthing the one thing we fought for so hard in our last contract.

Get your facts right, Colgan didnt cesase operations only because of their contract, you might want to look at that a bit closer. But you have your almost 4 years seniority, work at the best "just bought" airline with the best contract, you must know everything.

Us ASA guys, we like to bend over and take it by management, donate our checks to the company, not have families or kids to support, dont care about our lives and in general dont care about anything. Yep you NAILED IT! Have fun being a lifer as an FO at the best and highest paid regional.

This is be my last post in this thread with comments such as yours. What has needed to be said has been said. Argue all you like. I just hope you dont sink a good operation and realize just how lucky you guys actually were.
I'd like to nominate you for tool of the Day.
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