Thread: The IAH Bids
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Old 05-08-2012, 03:24 PM
UAL T38 Phlyer
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Default Rules of Etiquette?


I would be interested in bidding IAH. I spent my UAL years on a double or triple-leg commute, at least one off-line, that took at best 12 hours, and as much as 36!!

IAH would be a single-leg, UAX 1.3 hour commute. I could actually live with that.

However, I do not want to be branded as a leper for bidding during this tenuous period.

So, what are the rules? Can I bid without seeming to be a scab, union-buster, Marvin Mainliner, or CAL-back-stabber? The bid will apparently happen soon.

I won't be back from mil for at least a year, so my bid would really only be on paper.

Your thoughts, please.
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