Thread: Any "Latest & Greatest" about Delta?

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Wingnutdal , 05-12-2012 12:02 PM
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Quote: It's important for our pilots that have not sat reserve in years or ever to understand that this negotiator's notepad is concessionary and will affect everyone. Every single category will need less pilots.
Why? Again, we don't know the details of these agreements. You guys are going nuts over bullet points that have no detail.

Everyone goes nuts over the company being able to fly reserves to 97 hours, but it turns out that they need your permission. Not much of a change from now where you can yellow slip past ALV.

How about having the ability to for the company to assign 1more short call a month for up to 10 hours more pay? How many pilots will be assigned that 7th short call in a year. How many pilots will get the extra reserve garuntee?

I hate short call. I HATE it. And I live in base. But let's keep our heads screwed on tight. There is a change coming to the rest and duty rules rules that will knock 10 hours off of it.

So, I guess what i'm trying to say is let's wait and see what the whole deal is before we state that it's a for sure no. We're going crazy over bullet points