Thread: Domestic Battery

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subrat , 05-23-2012 07:32 PM
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Quote: I can't guarantee that domestic Battery would not fall under "aggravated assault". Since different jurisdictions may use slightly different language, it may be left up to the local IDA authority to decide.

Also I don't think you can have battery without assault...assault is the attack (the swing) and battery is the connection (the punch). "Domestic" might be considered "Aggravated"...not hard to make that correlation.

But that's all academic. A conviction for this crime will probably mean no airline job, anytime in the forseeable future. This guy needs to beat the rap, period.
You can spit on the person in his state and that would be labeled as battery...Even touching someones arm or hand... When you add aggravated to battery or aggravated assault thats when it becomes a felony... Domestic is just a spouse/wife/ family member... Really sucks for him because he didnt do anything wrong or hurt anyone