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Old 02-17-2007, 05:53 PM
Gets Weekends Off
Joined APC: Feb 2007
Posts: 424


Since you have no idea when you will train, how can you be so sure that you will get an earlier training date in ANC? I bid ANC, but bid MEM higher. I was awarded MEM. Again, why do I have to out think the system? Am I supposed to have any idea when I am going to train when I put in my bid? Should I expect to be one month out of training and then be delayed 4 months? Should I expect someone from next years bid will train ahead of me (albeit a senior person)?

This "new hire mentality" crap that you talk about is annoying at best. I have been an ALPA member (legacy) for 9 years. Not that is a long time, but I am not a complete newbie. Basically, the company is using a loophole to staff ANC. I understand the what the contract says. But, nonetheless, I don't believe that it was the intent. By rolling over on the issue, others will get delayed the same way we did. A grievance should have been filed with the expectation of, at the very least, fixing the problem. It won't effect me anymore, but it will effect others in upcoming bids.

I don't feel entitled to anything. There are alot of great things at Fedex, but this is not one of them.
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