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Old 07-22-2012, 04:02 PM
Big Duke 6
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Originally Posted by squawkoff View Post
Thank you!

I was really expressing an observation of what I have experienced and seen here. Sometimes expectations and reality can cause problems like it has here for me. May not be that big of a deal after I get used to it. I mentioned the ACARS because it dove tails with the bare bones comment. That was just the example I chose to use.

I guess the feeling here at Republic are tender and I should be careful what I say because I may hurt some feelings. Again, not my intent.
No offense, but you haven't seen anything yet. Make it through training, IOE, and some life on the line and then you will understand what we have been going through. Yeah, we take offense to a newbie walking into the door and talking about how bad our place sucks. We know it sucks. We are trying to change it as we can. We have a few guys here that as a new F/O think they know everything about the industry. Lets just say, they are not well liked. Don't be "That Guy"
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