Thread: Comair updates?
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Old 07-30-2012, 03:39 AM
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Originally Posted by skigambia View Post
Let me first say, my most heart fealt condolences go out to all of our brothers and sisters at Comair.
Secondly, to all the people who say that they did the industry a favor by voting in yes on the latest Delta TA, you may be right in that the long term effect is a net positive, but I would like to pose this question, if the 20% raise, in addition to the improved seniority with the addition of the 717's coming on board, weren't offered would anyone have voted for this. A vote yes for this TA had nothing to do with bettering the industry, and had everything to do with bettering the individuals situation. I don't have a horse in this race, and certainly don't blame any mainline pilot who voted for, or against, this TA, but don't act like you voted for this because it was a step in the right direction for the industry, the reality is it was a step in the right direction for you.
On a second note, isn't this the time we demanded a national seniority list. Why do we continue to let our quality of life be negatively effected by the fact that we are one of the few industries that do not have parallel transfers. This should be the conversation and our future focus.
Best of luck to all that have to deal with this most unfortunate of circumstances.

Sir you have raised some very good points with your questions in here. I whole heartedly agree with you. Had those items not been offered in the TA I'm sure then the NO vote would have been "great for the industry" also. However I do not blame those folks. In the long run, "if" they do end keeping/doing their flying and along with attrition thru retirements, it might somehow help movement. But thanks to the slick mgrs, we know how "certain" things are in this industry.
As far as a national list, one can wish. Maybe calling it something other than that might help. How about "I'd be awarded my position based on my experience level just like any other industry in the world" list?. Not sure how much more sarcastically to present it.
Btw, thanks for the condolences.
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