Thread: What are the tricks for 1st year guys to save money?

LAfrequentflyer's Avatar
LAfrequentflyer , 02-25-2007 11:04 AM
Gets Weekends Off
Gets Weekends Off
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Quote: Note: I am not a regional pilot, but the tips below helped when I went to law school and lived only on my husband's salary. Other tips came from my many low-income clients, many of whom were homeless and penniless.

Develop a budget or spending plan.
Track your spending and see where else you can cut back.
Find cheap haircuts or have family/friends cut it for you.
Resist buying new things.
Shop at thrift stores if possible.
Shop in bulk. Get some friends together and shop at Costco, divvy up the stuff.
Load up on things that are non-perishable and happen to be on sale (toilet paper and such).
Take freebies in the hotel like shampoos, but do not do what calcapt used to - take the towels, bedding and lamps!
Eat soups, choose foods with protein (chicken, fish), pasta. [One client used to take the ketchup packets from McDonald's and reconstitute it into tomato soup. I don't recommend this unless you are really desperate.]
Perform chores for extra money.
Donate blood.
Sell excess personal property on craigslist or some other free venue.
Cut coupons.

When I travel on orders I always take an empty suitcase - bring back towels, everything in the hotel room I can get my hands on, and all the free food from the breakfast I collect and suitcase it back to my 'crib' for later use.

Oatmeal anyone?


How about a Holiday Inn towel?
