Thread: Sky King Out of Seniority Mass Termination

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pilotgolfer , 09-02-2012 09:09 AM
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It will be difficult to comment on who got let go until the dust settles and it can be seen who is left. Sky King always had a hodge podge of characters with varying levels of common sense and ability. Thats why I enjoyed the place.

But look at it this way. They filed the BK paperwork on the 31st. The filing was prepared on the 20th when they knew those 3 airplanes were going away. 251 is on its deathbed and the contract with Gold is going away. Its a non-union airline in a right to work state. They can do whatever they want to do. Moral compass is not even a consideration.

The King cannot generate enough money with 4 1/2 airplanes available. I give it till the end of September and it will vanish. I don't have sour grapes about being let go...I told them I was leaving this month anyways, so I have no hard feelings.

If you were let go, don't look back. It was just a matter of time anyways.