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Old 09-15-2012, 04:31 PM
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Originally Posted by acl65pilot View Post
One thing that has not been mentioned in this debate is: Having the membership vote for the Master Chairman but they reps having the ability to recall. Recall does not necessarily have to reside with the rank in file pilots.
FWIW, having the committee structure beholden to only the MEC admin is a bad idea. If you get a MEC Chair that is trying to drive an agenda, you can essentially get the committee structure to back up whatever message he wants to send, right or wrong. You get only one side of "the message" from the people the reps need to depend on for being the subject matter experts, and you might not necessarily get the whole picture.

There is a LOT of bureaucratic intertia that goes along with that.

For committee heads, there needs to be a vetting process that goes beyond "here is the guy I want, you need to confirm him". We do that for the big stuff (merger, NC, etc), but it should be extended to every committee. I lets a little air into the process, and you might get some really smart people step up who don't have their ticket punched.

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