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Old 09-16-2012, 06:07 PM
Gets Weekends Off
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Originally Posted by sailingfun View Post
The contract is not going to be even a 1 percent factor in if we hire or not. It will come down 99 percent to the block hour plan for next summer. The economy will drive that.
Just for your info there were lots of areas in the contract that offset the job loss not just vacations.
1. Improved vacation pay
2. Improved training pay
3. Known absences counting toward a reserve being full.
4. Reserves full at the reserve guarantee instead of ALV.
5. Additional X days per year per reserve pilot
6. Elimation of trip parking. (this one was not costed out for jobs since it was a unintended side effect of the swap board.) Fixing this might offset all the job loss from ALV15 and 84 hours.

The above items are all of the top of my head without evening looking at the contract for other items. As far as hiring or not hiring it bears repeating a common phrase. "It's the economy stupid."
Point of the original post was that there was a carrot signaling hiring this year. As soon as the TA was signed that went away. Smells just as fishy as the LGA slot swap. How many times do you think the average pilot can be tricked in such quick succession?
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