Thread: Views on the pilot slowdown from FF customer

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scambo1 , 10-02-2012 05:40 PM
The Brown Dot +1
The Brown Dot +1
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Quote: Thanks - I think a lot of folks with under 25 posts who present themselves as knowledgable are simply imposters with alternative agendas of devaluing the pilot profession.

Cheap shot, but maybe if you worked in the real life systems, saw them in action and spent a career in aviation on numerous levels and got Degree's in what you talk about, you wouldn't find it necessary to make comments like yours. Don't flatter yourself, talk facts, if you can.
I have two masters and 12 years of USAF T&E. I agree with Elvis. There is no substitute for experience.

You advocate paying less and that lower pay fairly values the job. I say keep it...The job.