Thread: Dip stick malfunction

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BeardedFlyer , 10-10-2012 06:54 PM
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Quote: So you appeared to run through 10 gallons in the first minute or two, then continued a flight on what you thought was the same amount of fuel in the other tank? I don't know that I would be calling someone else a dipstick.
I was only calling the dipstick a dipstick, but anyway you're right, I should have landed the plane right after that. The reason I didn't was I thought right away that I must have screwed up somehow... glanced at the 5 gallon mark and thought it was the 10, or thought I flew one less load than I actually did or something like that (my immediate assumption was pilot error)... the possibility that my dipstick was off did not occur to me so I continued on thinking I did have 10 gallons in the other tank. If I had known there was in reality much less than that there is no way I would have kept going. I also thought if I just finished the flight as usual then I could come back, fuel up and the owner would never find out where as if I went back to land right after take off than it would have been obvious something went wrong. That didn't matter since one of the jumpers in the plane brought it up later anyway.