Thread: Any "Latest & Greatest" about Delta?

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scambo1 , 10-25-2012 07:56 PM
The Brown Dot +1
The Brown Dot +1
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Quote: And that's a huge minus.

No E&FA. Who would SWAPA copy for their contract comparison? And you can't replicate that in an independent union. While firewalled, ALPA's analysts get to look at 37 different contracts and 37 different management business plans. No independent nor CAPA airline gets that. You'd be stuck with single source and public data, leaving the pilot group with a lot less information than their negotiations adversary.

No Government Affairs. No seat at the IFALPA (ICAO) table. No seat at the Haneda negotiations with Japan. Limited influence in FT/DT implementation (especially with a change of government in Nov). No Roth. No traditional IRA rollover. Source taxation from broke states that you fly through. The independents all were on the outside looking in, or had limited rolls. Not a great spot for our pilot group, imo, and that's where you want us.

No Air Safety and Engineering. Limited NTSB, DHS and DOT access.

Those are just 3 examples that your plan would take away from Delta pilots that couldn't be recreated at a reasonable cost or are prohibited from happening by international treaty. I see that as a bad plan.
I don't have a plan, I was attempting to temper what were, IMO, illogical forum viewpoints with what I believe are the only two choices; in-house or ALPA...but while we're at it.

EF&A was rented by the American Pilots and by many accounts did not even seek an analysis of the SWA contract.

Gov't affaies are important, CAPA does have influence, but granted not as active as ALPA.
Please share with us the unbelievably critical input ALPA had in Hanada negotiations...I wrote a letter...but negotiations? Was an ALPA representative allowed to speak until the adults realized who it was?
FT/DT success remains to be seen. Let's not forget the entire premise that led us to FTDT was faulty-and not countered by (opportunistic) ALPA.
Roth and Rollover didn't affect me so I can't judge the importance of them.

Para 3. Air Safety and engineering? Are you saying the independants don't have safety programs and can't figure bad stuff out?

Access to alphabet soup gov't bureaucracies. Man how long did it take to get Lee's #1 priority to be something.

And the world also stopped spinning.

ALPA does things, yes. Noone disputes that. I am not willing to go back down this DPA discussion path...They are dead, they are just the only ones that don't realize it. It's going to take more than an OPR's worth of bullet points to convince me that ALPA is as effective as you believe it is.