Thread: PBS at FedEx...

Busboy , 11-01-2012 07:44 PM
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Quote: Some think the top 10-25% will see some sort of benefit. These rocket surgeons are the ones entertaining PBS.

The reality is only the top 5% have a shot at overall schedule improvement. And only if they hate going on vacation. I think this push has more to do with the promise of a management position or special bonus. I also think the drive toward efficiency may make 5% a fleetingly optimistic prediction. If they can optimize 98-99% to a lower quality of life, they will make it so.

Our pairings are often changed by swapping a city here and there. When more than one new city is introduced the disruption can be widespread. Only the SIG minimizes this pain as company schedulers have absolutely no qualms inflicting maximum pain to the most people.
Yah, but that's the top 5% in each seat, on each airplane. We have 11 different seats. So, wouldn't that be 55% of us?

Me and Mitt know how to balance the budget, too.