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Old 12-13-2012, 06:06 AM
Joined APC: Jul 2012
Posts: 432

Originally Posted by jumpseat2024 View Post
Those plans always sound nice on paper. Be prepared for many changes and bumps in the road. It does, however, sound like you're on the right track.

There doesn't appear to be anything wrong with your plan. Ameriflight has good upgrade times..just some weird bases. Does Ameriflight make their pilots have ATPs to upgrade on a turboprop? I don't think so. Atleast not for the Beech 99.

As far as the check ride failure..I've never heard of anyone fail a single oral 3 times. One thing you have going for you is the CFI check ride is arguably the toughest of them all. But if you do well in 135 training, and most importantly, you're honest on job apps about the failures, you should be fine.
I was in a rush to get the CFI. I busted the oral, tried to take it 2 days later, failed, then tried again. I will never study for another ride like I did for the CFI.
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