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Old 01-08-2013, 08:26 PM
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Originally Posted by Wiskey Driver View Post
You are really having issues tonight huh maybe its time you got laid! I take everything Parker says with a grain of salt. I know not to hang my hat on his words because what he says to the west is the polar opposite of what he tells you in the east. Now you guys on the other hand are very quick to point out that "Parker said this and Parker said that". When you grow up you will learn that ceo's are known for talking out of both sides of their mouths.

Now lets discuss this fire sale comment seeing as this is what has your dander up tonight. Its not a secret that USEast was on the ropes and about to die. That didnt happen BECAUSE of Parker and AWA! No other carrier out there was going to touch USAir, not Delta, NWA, AA, UAL no one. Today you are still employed as a major airline pilot as a direct result of Parker and AWA and there is no two ways about it period end of that story and please dont make me dig up the articles to further embarrass you.

Now are we clear? If so lets get back to being civil

And WD, Nobody knows for sure- but I think that had AWA never happened and USAirways had been sold off in pieces or even if they had gone belly up- I would have been better off. I rue the day when Piedmont merged with USAir and I rue the day that USAirways merged with America West. It has always been just enough to keep me hanging on. However, I do not need to get "laid." I am fine, thank you.
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