Thread: Spirit of NKS

Normann , 02-11-2013 10:19 AM
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I figured we did not lose the Marriott because someone was complaining. Since when are they giving a damn about what we think? Unless you post a bad review on tripadvisor... than the phone rings for sure.

Regardless the above, +1 BoredwLife! If I have to suffer through a 21 h 59 min layover, I would rather drive a bit longer and be able to have a nice dinner in a place like the flying saucer was. And spot on. The Ft. Worth van was there on time waiting for us, while the ballpark shuttle is always late.

On the other hand, in cases where we can't get a decent layover why drive 40 mins? Why do we have to lay over in Dearborn? I once was walking over to that seafood place on the circle, and the security told me I should not be out at night by myself. Two minutes later the parking lot got surrounded by cops chasing someone. ***? Can't we just use some common sense here? If we can't get a decent layover than lets spare the drive.