Originally Posted by
Capt starting $95.00 an hr. with a pay raise of $5.00 each yr.
after 5 yrs.
NWA- $130
United- $122
US air- $116
VA- $120
F/0 rates
2 $46
That's better than I thought, but still abysmal. It would seem that any pilot who meets their ridiculously high minimums would apply to a company that projects past the 5 year mark and keeps the guy in the right-seat off food-stamps. If a pilot takes that job, he/she is setting himself up to be in the job market again in 5-10 years. The guy who applies undoubtedly plans on being captain. Fat, dumb and happy in the left-seat, while 5000+hrFo starve in the right seat. You'll be selling out your FO's, not to mention the rest of the industry. I should have my own jumpseat in about a year and "
opportunist" will not be welcome. I'm a witness to what they've done to the CAL pilot group.