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Old 03-09-2013, 06:46 PM
Night Hawk 6
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Joined APC: Sep 2012
Posts: 172

Originally Posted by KillingMeSmalls View Post
Would you please get off of your soapbox, and take your half glass empty drink with you.

For every guy that preaches doom and gloom, I'll show you a miserable one.

For all the guys who think this is a bad profession please just quit. Leave the jobs for us.
You are not listening. This is a great job and those doing the job deserve to be respected and compensated for the professionals they are. Did you know that at one time pilots were always at the very top of every poll when the public was asked which profession they most admired? Did you know that a senior wide body captain could buy his captains' house with one years salary and earned a Cadillac a month, working 75 hours per month? Did you know that pilots were treated with respect by their fellow employees and that the Captain was truly the Captain of the ship? Since deregulation pilots have let all of this get away from them, that is the message The "associations" still act and do business like it is still 1977. Is stating historical fact preaching doom and gloom? Go ahead and kill the messenger if you like but without a major change in the direction our profession is currently headed the next generation of pilots will come from the ranks of those who have far less formal education and far less experience than those who have gone before them. 100k per year will not attract the cream of the crop. Take a close look around you. It's already here.
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