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Old 03-16-2013, 09:49 AM
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Originally Posted by RJtrashPilot View Post
It is sort of true. On day 1 of ground school, HR comes in and makes everyone write up a letter resigning their seniority numbers from their previous carrier, regardless of whether you quit outright or were furloughed.

As I understand it, however, as evidenced in the ABX and United examples, most airlines don't recognize "forced resignation" letters from other airlines, hence the furloughed folks were able to return. I know for a fact at my two previous airlines, if the chief pilot received a resignation letter from any pilot on furlough, it went right into the paper shredder.
Yeah I think DL is the only "major" that honors those letters. All the rest realize that you are just trying to make a living and the letter was obviously written under extreme duress and they don't honor it. If DL ever furloughs again I hope they follow the positive example by UAL and many others of protectecting their pilots like that in a way that's free, easy and the right thing to do.
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