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Old 04-11-2013, 02:11 PM
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Originally Posted by Nevets View Post
Very telling that you only chose to try to rebuke only this one point that I made. But let me try to explain it for you and any other non-union pilots that may have the same misconception. Mainline pilots decide what aircraft they fly with their pilots through negotiations with their mainline management. At no time during those negotiations do any regional pilot union tell the mainline pilot union or management what they should negotiate for. The ALPA structure does not have a way of doing that. ALPA is an association of independent unions that pool their resources. Eac MEC maintains their autonomy in what they negotiate for. And if a regional pilot union even thought about telling the mainline pilot union what to negotiate for, they would be laughed off the universe. Once the mainline pilot union and management have a contract, whatever left over scraps that the mainline pilot union didn't/couldn't scope in, the mainline management will take those scraps and up that flying out to bid. Regional management will bid for that flying. Generally, the lowest bid wins. Regional management an regional pilot union will then negotiate for rates of pay, work rules, terms and conditions to win/keep the scraps. At no time does mainline pilot union tell the regional pilot union what to negotiate for.

There is no conflict of interest within ALPA when it comes to deciding what mainline flies and what to negotiate for. The whole thing about a lawyer representing both parties thing is just some BS some anti ALPA people made up so that others gobble it up and repeat it. It probably came from F&H.
You don't have to explain it to me because I don't care. I have worked for union carriers and non union carriers. Pros and cons to having a union. For you the pros outweigh the cons, for me, at the regional level at least, they don't.
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