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Old 04-17-2013, 08:21 AM
Joined APC: Dec 2007
Position: EMB 145 CPT
Posts: 2,934

I spent the last 6 years in the left seat at an ALPA carrier which no longer exists. Why do I now have to start all over again at the bottom of the heap, on year one pay, in the right seat at a crappy regional, and pay my dues all over again?
The only "coat tails" thats riding on is B.S. system that ALPA will not address because its a gutless ineffective group that panders to its mainline interest groups.

Keep your stickers, your lanyards, your tie pins and your glossy magazines and I'll keep 2% of my pay check. I'm going to need it, again!
Again, the point I've made several times is, do you honestly think you would have made out better without ALPA or any union, for that matter in that process? What about all the benefits you took for granted in the those six years? Regardless, ALPA has still benefitted us all. Stop just thinking short term or just yourself.

Originally Posted by Nevets View Post
That rationalization doesn't excuse coat tail riding. I know they keep you "happy" by agreeing to match any rates, health benefits, 401k matching, and scope that the ASA/XJT pilots negotiate.

I'm really surprised you guys can't see that simple concept.
You do know that Express/ASA are newly acquired carriers in the grand scheme of things. Why did OO buy you? because continental and Delta didn't want you all anymore and we had the $$$ and assests to close the deal. All without being represneted by your beloved ALPA. Whereas you've had ALPA the entire time...

Name 2 regional ALPA carriers that have been as successful as OO. You'd be hard pressed...
Don't kid yourself. They bought us because it made good business sense. They wanted to get into the CAL portfolio. BR himself said on one of the conference calls that there is a benefit of incumbency. They saw Exppressjet as their ticket to incumbency for larger aircraft. Even leveraged they purchase of ExpressJet against CAL by negotiating new terms to the CPA, namely replacement rights for 90 aircraft with larger aircraft. This has NOTHING to do with you being non-union.

Must go with the kool aid you get over there but it's not about the pilots.

Last edited by Nevets; 04-17-2013 at 08:37 AM.
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