Thread: Any "Latest & Greatest" about Delta?

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Bucking Bar , 04-24-2013 06:26 PM
Can't abide NAI
Bucking Bar
Can't abide NAI
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While we are talking tone. Anyone think this resonates with Richard Anderson's Pinnacle excitement in the Q1 2013 Earnings Call ?

ALPA contends that the wholly-owned airline affiliates of
Trans States Holdings, Inc. (TSH), TSA and GoJet, constitute a
single transportation system for representation purposes for
the craft or class of Pilots. ALPA argues that the two Carriers:
share common facilities; have a common main hub; are both
wholly-owned by the same individual, Hulas Kanodia; and have
overlapping management. ALPA additionally asserts that labor
relations at the two Carriers is handled jointly in many
respects as evidenced by the facts that: TSA Pilots were offered
employment at GoJet with pay and longevity based on their
length of service at TSA, up to a maximum of five years; some
Pilots who are currently working for GoJet are still on TSA’s
Pilot seniority list and are officially considered on a “leave of
absence” from TSA; recruitment and issuance of flight passes
are handled by the same persons for both Carriers; and
employees have been hired by one entity and transferred to the
other without additional interviews.
Based on Mr. Anderson's comments Pinnacle's going to be an alter ego of Delta. Before you write your rep to complain consider not a one of them objected to ALPA's actions (previous Reps) and our contract is silent on another pilot group effectively wearing our uniforms (with minor changes), being handled by our agents and even maybe being staffed with Delta Flight Attendants. Behind the cockpit door we all look the same ... just they're a heck of a lot cheaper to pay.

... we really did not need to have this problem in 2015, but I think we are going have to deal with it then. By that time it will have a lot of momentum behind it.