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Old 05-11-2013, 09:39 AM
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Joined APC: Dec 2009
Position: MD F/O
Posts: 45

"When I see something like this I look deeper, for the REAL reason. It usually stems from lack of leadership" Yoda2

Like sending out a mass e-mail in an attempt to resolve human performance standards? While I do not know the particulars in how the Deputy OG managed this specific issue, sending an email would not have been my first option. "The Greatest Generation" did not have keyboards, yet it appears it is the management method of choice for today's "Keyboard Commanders"--key word being "management" and not "leadership." Officers, enlisted and managers not directly in respective chains of command belt out requirements via mass emails, diluting clear lines of authority. Anybody with a keyboard is a commander nowadays, and those who are in positions that can have the most effect wrt instilling leadership are at their desk answering emails and "leading from behind.”

Again, I am not privy to all the specifics that may have been accomplished by leadership at Minot wrt this situation, but my generalization remains firm: the "boots on the ground" are not in the back shops, not on the line, not putting their finger in the chest of the gumshoe personnelist generating requirements from their keyboard....they are parked behind their desk "leading from behind." While email has a role in effective management, it obviously should not be the primary “leadership” tool.

I have oversimplified the issue for brevity....I imagine we all could write a novel.
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