Thread: Why does alpa want ffdo

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ExAF , 05-30-2013 09:13 AM
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Quote: No trained or truly determined ones, yet. We have data on that, too.

A couple of years ago I was on an indoor range with several HK weapons, and the person in lane next to me was shooting a USP Compact .40. He couldn't hit the broad side of a B10 target, let alone come close to his point of aim. Much of his shooting missed the target completely. We spoke, and he explained that there was something wrong with his handgun.

I shot it at his request. It cycled and grouped just fine, as one would expect from that handgun. I thought he was a real novice, never having fired a handgun, perhaps just bought it and was trying to teach himself to shoot. It wasn't until we talked for a little while that he said he was an airline pilot, a FFDO. I was amazed. We shot for a while, and I let him try several other weapons. He shocked himself when he was able to get tight groups with a HK USC...because its easy to shoot. We began working with trigger control, front sight use, breathing, and moving the target in.

He was really, really bad at all ranges, but delighted to learn that he could do better. And he did. My concern was the poor standard with which he was shooting at the outset, yet fully comfortable carrying in his capacity as a FFDO. I've no doubt that he's doing much better now, and hopefully was inspired to see a little more training.
How competent does a FFDO have to be to hit a target at a distance of "his seat to the cockpit door." As long as he can get his weapon out of the holster and pointed in the general direction of the door, I think he would probably be "good enough" to get the job done.