Thread: Thanks Xjt crew of 4636 for leaving us...

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680crewchief , 06-03-2013 05:39 AM
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    Just because the MEL says we can, doesn't mean we should
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Quote: Weak. Most whistleblower attorneys work on a portion of the winnings. No upfront costs. As for becoming a pariah of the industry? I don't think Great Lakes is going to get much sympathy. Everyone knows how they operate. If anything, you's get a standing ovation for finally teaching those clowns a lesson.

Or, you can do like everyone else, and just keep your head down and take the abuse, then leave so they can turn around and abuse someone else. I voted with my feet from that place 13 years ago. And never once did I call a CP and tell them how I was sick.
I don't have the energy to fight stupidity.

Why didn't you sue them then? The 'policy' of calling the CP for a sick call wasn't official 13 years ago; that's within the last 2 years.

I'm going to vote with my feet as well soon. I think the pot might be calling the kettle black here.