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Old 06-09-2013, 10:08 AM
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Joined APC: Apr 2007
Posts: 145
Default Unused soap/shampoo,Homeless shelters.

The other day I was at homeless shelter with my son (volunteering) and we went together and I asked the administrator what items they need for the people inside the shelter? His reply was soap, shampoo items of that nature to help people when they check in just to get through the day?
So over the past couple weeks or so I was looking at my inventory that they give me when I check into a hotel? I really don't use most of it I'm not that good looking and it really doesn't matter, because I have my shaving kit and my items. So I got to thinking if I could just take the items that were already given to me in the hotel and save them, and take them down to a homeless shelter after a month of being on the road I think it would really help? And then I thought about our industry and I said can you imagine what it would be like if a lot of people had this idea? The room is already paid for I'm not taking anything that wasn't already given to me and I'm just passing it on to somebody that needs it! It sounds very simple but I guess I'm asking everybody if they could think about this and go with their kids and show a small act of kindness? Most of these folks inside of the shelters have absolutely nothing and if we can give them something that makes them feel little better...why not? Thanks for your time...
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