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Old 06-28-2013, 06:42 AM
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Posts: 187

Originally Posted by Cubdriver View Post
Scott, my point was the shortage if there is going to be one is not here yet based on my experience. That's all. It may come at some point, probably will, but my practical experience after applying to all of, and interviewing at many regional airlines during the last few months tells a clear story that talk be damned, no regional is very serious about staffing shortages because they do not have them. That notion simply does not square with their actual hiring behavior. If there were a real shortage, or strong evidence of one, I would simply admit as much. I am not trying to salvage my own ego, I am in fact about to leave pro flying for other pastures because I can't find a job here. What's more, I think it is a disservice to other entry-level pilots to spread these ideas of a shortage when there is none. I have a decent although admittedly less than impressive resume, and yet I can't get an airline job. Similar for many others I know.
I know people starting at eagle, expressjet, awac, republic, mesa, skywest, and commutair in July. None were military or prior 121. All received offers on their first interviews with the companies. All are just your average cfi/GA applicant. They all took interviews seriously studying ifr regs, jepp charts, interview gouges, basic 121 regs. When the interviewers tell you during the introduction that "they want to hire all of you, and your job is to not convince them otherwise" they are serious. The gouges were pretty accurate for where I interviewed at as well.
Getting hired isn't the end of the story either, you still have to pass training, getting hired won't solve your problems if you aren't prepared to be successful in training.
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