Thread: Allegiant pilot accused of beating blind man

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LNL76 , 07-01-2013 10:26 AM
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Quote: Now…now kids. As the gardener once said; “Can’t we all just get a lawn?”

The sightless boat owner was overheard saying that he just could not see something like this occurring.

Now there’s some hyperbole for ya!
Don't forget to tip your servers and drive home safely!!!

Quote: Probably a lot more to this. Legally blind can just mean that is his condition without glasses. With glasses he can probably see fine and sail a boat. Maybe he was donging the pilot's wife/girlfriend or stole money. Pilot gets drunk, shows up...words are spoken and heads are cracked. Glasses fall into water and man is now some poor blind guy who got beat up by a mean pilot. Certainly more to this.
Of course, because that's a perfectly legit reason to board someone's boat (drunk), beat them with a metal rod and possibly throw your career away. Got it!!! Would you feel the same way if the victim was your relative?