Thread: Any "Latest & Greatest" about Delta?

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Carl Spackler , 07-07-2013 03:28 PM
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Carl Spackler
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Quote: Following a deal like we signed last year, you always have the charlatans come crawling out from under their rocks proclaiming "Vote for me, I will give you everything you want." They have no plan, they have no work ethic, they only know how to craft a simple seductive message that all your dreams will be fulfilled if you simply follow their siren song.
Problem is that DPA started years before you signed that deal last year. And never once has DPA ever said "I'll give you everything you want." Another example of the "ALPA treatment." I hope you continue with the "ALPA treatment" though alfa because it has always been my contention that every day you guys wake up with the simple goal of misinforming. The "ALPA treatment" just backs up that thesis. With regard to work ethic, a small handful of guys have managed to get 5,400 cards from Delta pilots to decertify your beloved ALPA. The message was not as much seductive as it was factual. Simply showing ALPA's record and asking: "Do you want to continue with this...yes or no?"

I know you're not liking the answer alfa because they'll be no more all you can eat dinners with open bars. And your chances of a $35,000 oil painting of you are vanishing right before your eyes. I know it's painful, but change is in the wind.
