Thread: Sue the FAA?
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Old 08-24-2013, 07:32 AM
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Originally Posted by wrxpilot View Post
As said before, there are many reasons why some of us with engineering degrees became involved with professional aviation. I really enjoy aviation - the flying, the flexible hours, and even the roller coaster of emotions that goes with it...

...As far as advantages to having an engineering degree, I don't know that it makes that big of a difference. But it does help to have the study habits and technical background for things like ground school, understanding hydraulics, electrical systems, etc.
Nice post, quite similar with my own experience. I was in flight test, same story. It's not really worth debating if aviation science degrees are valuable in flying. They are probably better than ad hoc backgrounds like mine. The more important thing in my view is the impoverished nature of such degrees, as Rick mentioned a few posts ago. I hate to see people entering adult life with so little education. They know nothing but operating heavy machines- the arts, sciences, humanities, the wide mindset built through years study encompassing broad subject areas is absent. If I ever have a child who wants to fly professionally I will urge him to get a degree in anything "but" aviation, then go and fly for a living.
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