Thread: Delta hiring!

BizPilot , 09-11-2013 01:55 AM
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Quote: Ok, does anyone know how DAL selects interviewees from airlineapps? I've heard that SWA, DAL, UAL, and US pick applications based on an HR standpoint, from a computer. I've heard this referred to as a "lottery." Basically letters of rec, or people "walking in your stuff" have no bearing on weather or not you get called to interview. I guess I'm concerned that because it seems that jet time and glass time seem to be increasingly more important then PIC turbine, my Turboprop resume will never see the light of day at DAL etc... Help anyone?

"weather or not you get called to interview"

Use "whether" next time.

I worked at a place where the boss would toss resumes if the cover letter had a mistake like that. Spell checks do not catch that kind of error.