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Old 10-14-2013, 01:31 PM
Carl Spackler
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Originally Posted by SharpestTool View Post
Current events were put into motion quite awhile ago when Council 20 and Council 1 threw in their support for the Kingsley Roberts. From the beginning, there has been a division within the MEC along former NWA and Delta lines. The NWA councils have to be opposed to the Delta councils. There can be no other way. Their behavior during the contract ratification process demonstrated that there will never be unity unless former NWA thinking is universally adopted.

Now we have a food fight. We are losing credibility with management. I think this is very sad, especially for the ones who who whine about not getting enough restoration and who have nonetheless become quite used to getting annual pay increases. Those will most certainly come to an end when we adopt the former NWA way of unionism. Maybe it will get so bad that we will try the APA way of unionism. Perhaps we'll really lose our minds and give the USAPA way the good old college try and toss our chips all in with the DPA.

Prediction: nothing happens at the MEC meeting. Status quo is maintained.

Sadly, no matter what we call the union, the same pilots will represent the same pilots. The same games will endure. Former NWA versus former DAL. In 15 or 20 years we will be rid of those who play the game for the game's sake.
Interesting. You join APC today and start posting on different threads to get your post count to 8. Then you write this.

First off, you don't know what you're talking about. This current fight doesn't involve fNWA people at all. Even a cursory read of the communications would have told you that. So you are clearly a Moak disciple that is now trying to make this a North versus South fight in order to unify South pilots in the hopes of getting 51%. Very cynical, but typical of the Moak political strategy. Just like Iran faking unity amongst its people by continually evoking "The Great Satan."

You and Mr. Moak should be ashamed of yourself using this kind of scorched earth policy. Our two groups ARE unified. The vast majority of us actually like each other. Despite your shameless attempt st driving a wedge.

With regard to your're half right.

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