Thread: Delta Hiring News

GunshipGuy , 10-19-2013 06:51 AM
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Quote: As for the MMPI, just answer honestly since they ask the same question multiple times and in different ways you may end up with a "guarded profile" which is what happened to a guy in my interview class in 2000. He almost cried when they said that he had to take the test again or he was done.
I was a lot more anxious about the cog test than I was the MMPI. When I was getting ready for the interview I was reading that most people were not getting hired because of the interview panel or the cog test (if they even knew exactly why or revealed why). I don't know which stands out more for not getting an offer. You can do a little to help yourself for either of those by following some advice that's been given earlier in the thread. eg. luminosity to a certain degree for the cog test, and reading a good book on interviewing, practicing some mock interviews, or going to a seminar or similar service (i.e. Emerald Coast Consulting has a good rep). I didn't worry about the MMPI in the least: wasn't anything I could do but just be honest. That's the best advice, IMO. A friend of mine did get held back for the MMPI...not sure if the pysch interview combined with MMPI was the reason or just the MMPI. He and a group of several others (7?) had to wait for the company to gather to discuss their results and yada yada yada...half of them got the go ahead and half were said, sorry, no job for you. I have no idea what was looked at for them to make their decision other than the obvious: interview, Psych interview, MMPI, and everything else they had in front of them.

Good luck to all...can't wait for you to get here.