Thread: Unrealistic Accepted Fares.......Again

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Adlerdriver , 10-31-2013 06:15 PM
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Quote: This is my experience over the past 6 months-as always, your mileage may vary. Limos, parking not included. Just the air fares.

Bank - Deviation fares
1057 - 796
1089 - 1019
809 - 747
1775 - 1772
1581 - 1605
388 - 488
1578 - 1312
So, is your point that the accepted fares are not a problem?

Wouldn't results like you've listed above be highly dependent on the airport you commute from? I have pretty good luck operating out of a major international airport that is home to two legacy carriers. Someone trying to do the same out of a smaller regional field would probably be out of pocket most months.